Lovegrove Mathematicals
"Dedicated to making Likelinesses the entity of prime interest"
Use the computer's RANDOM function to select N-1 points in ]0,1[. These partition ]0,1[ into N subintervals. Take the lengths of those subintervals as the f(i).
Having found the f(i), as a final touch randomise them using a randomising process which is dependent upon the clock. Doing this should be unnecessary, but you never know.
The mapping defined by
is a linear bijection from S(N) to R(N).
So, select f∈S(N) and then:-
Select r∈R(N) and then, for i=1, ..., N, set f(i) = r(N+1-i).
Select r∈R(N) and randomise r(c+1), ..., r(N)
Select f∈RSD(c,N) and randomise f(1), ..., f(c)
The basic idea is to start with r∈R(N) and then permute its values to produce an element of M(m,N). We do this by firstly placing r(1), then r(2) etc.
Clearly, r(1) must be placed at m.
Since the final distribution is to be unimodal, r(2) must then be placed at either (m-1) or (m+1), since any gap would eventually give rise to a dip which would spoil the unimodality. This generalises; at each step, all of the already-placed values must form a contiguous block with the next value being placed immediately adjacent to it at either end. We need to decide which end.
At any stage, let there be L unfilled places to the left
of the block and R to the right. There are then
L+RCL ways to choose
the L values to fill the spaces to the left. In
of these, the value we are seeking to place will be to the left of the block -
a proportion of L+R-1CL-1
, which is
So, when deciding the end at which to place the next
value, we use RANDOM to select Q∈]0,1[ and then put the next value to the left
but to the right otherwise.
There are N-1Cm-1 unimodal permutations of r∈R(N) which have a mode at m. So we can count the total number which have a mode at A, ..., B, and thus the proportion of those which have a mode at any specific value. We then use RANDOM to select one of them in accordance with those proportions and then construct a unimodal distribution with that specific mode.
The description of multimodal distributions given here is actually a sufficient description of the algorithms used.
The algorithms for selecting U-shaped distributions are identical to those for unimodal distributions, except that they start with an element of RR(N) rather than of R(N).
Every time a distribution, f, is chosen, the number of observations in the merge block is pro-ratered across the columns of the block, in proportion to the f(i). These values are then added to the precise data to form the given histogram.